Buzz Club
Call 403-280-4422 for more info.
Falconridge/Castleridge School Age Care Program is a non-profit organization set up by the community to accommodate the needs of families needing child care for their children attending the area schools. This program offers a variety of activities in a supervised environment that specializes in age-appropriate activities.
Ages Kindergarten to Grade 6
Hours Our program is open 6 am-6 pm Monday to Friday, and closed most major statutory holidays. We also offer drop-in on a daily, or weekly basis as well as summer care. Regular field trips are planned accordingly.
Breakfast is served between 6:30 am and 8:00 am daily. Breakfast is predetermined on a weekly basis. If the selected meal is not appropriate for your child please supply them with their own alternative.
Licensing We are licensed under the Province of Alberta Regulated by the Child Care Licensing Act and also by the City Of Calgary Community and Social Service Department.
Subsidy might be available to you based on your family’s income. For subsidy information, please click here