New Fit Park!
We have had a new Fit park installed beside our Rink. All are welcome.
Fitness Equipment Available:
Function: Strengthens chest, shoulders, upper and mid-abdominals, forearms, and triceps.
Function: Strengthens abdominals, obliques, chest, shoulders and triceps.
Instructions: 1. Assume a push up position on top of bench while grasping handles in hands. Slowly lower body, hold and then return to start position. 2. Lie on bench on your back and hook feet under bar. Cross arms in front of chest or put hands behind ears. Raise shoulders, hold and then slowly return to start position.
Safety & Usage
Function: Strengthens hand grip, shoulders, triceps, upper back and core.
Instructions: Stand between bars. 1. Grasp bars with hands. Supporting body with arms, raise legs off the ground at a 90 degree angle. Raise and lower legs. 2. Grasp bars with hands. Supporting body with arms, bend legs off the ground. Lower body by bending arms slowly. Straighten arms to raise body.
Safety & Usage
Function: Strengthens chest, shoulders, upper and mid abs, forearms, and triceps.
Instructions: Pull-Ups: Jump up if necessary, grip handles with hands, then pull your body upward until the chin is level with or above the handle. Lower body and then repeat according to your capability. Dips: Jump up if necessary, grasp bars with hands supporting body with straight arms. Bend arms to lower body. Return slowly to start position. Do not lock elbows. Leg Lifts: Stand facing away from equipment. Place back against backrest and grasp handles. Raise legs off the ground at a 90 degree angle.
Safety & Usage
Our park is installed and ready to use!